The Honda CB400 Super Four was released in 1992 as a Japanese market only bike. It was later introduced to certain Asia Pacific markets as Australia, but not (officially) in Europe. It's a continuation of the iconic Honda CB400 four Super Sport but it's powered with a DOHC engine. This nice custom version comes from Karachi (Pakistan), by Saqib Malik and Scoob's Photography.
La Honda CB400 Super Four è venduta sin dal 1992 esclusivamente in giappone. Più di recente è stata introdotta in alcuni mercati dell'area Asia-Pacifico, come l'Australia, ma mai (ufficialmente) in Europa. È la continuazione della storica Honda CB400 Four Super Sport ma dispone di motore bialbero in testa. Questa bella custom arriva da Karachi (Pakistan), by Saqib Malik and Scoob's Photography.
Hi, your bike looks amazing. What kind of exhaust did you use? Did it change the sound of performance significantly?